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Yogyakarta: Borobudur and Prambanan

Borobudur and Prambanan in Yogyakarta, Java Island; are part of tourist highlight places to visit in Indonesia and also Bromo crater and Hiking in Ijen are another best places to visit in Indonesia and We offer Java Highlights Package Tour as you can find in our Java Island Tours.

Yogyakarta is the cultural hub of Indonesia and you will quickly get to understand why, It is a home to astonishing temples as Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia, also listed as UNESCO heritage site, and Prambanan, a complex of Hindus temples, with its carvings onto its walls, telling the Ramayana story. Besides its priceless architecture monuments, the atmosphere of Yogyakarta is partly due to the fact that the Sultan of Yogyakarta empowers its inhabitants, being supportive and attracting Indonesians from all over the archipelago, to experience the artistic and bustling life of the city. He’s a respected figure of Yogyakarta and still has an important impact on social life. We take you to the Keraton, the Sultan’s Palace; afterward we will have a closer look to its surrounding, still very active named Taman Sari, to enjoy the traditional handcrafts and Javanese daily life.




Being the cultural capital of the country, Yogyakarta is the home of many great artists for paintings, sculptures Batiks, and many more. come and join our activities in Yogyakarta or Jogjakarta to explore the city and surroundings, it is the best way to discover the authenticity of Yogyakarta. Our Explore tour is the arrangement of visits to some of the highlights of Yogyakarta or Jogjakarta as the Cultural Capital of the Country. Yogyakarta offers many kind of things that is waiting to be explored and our expert representative are more than happy to show your the best of Yogyakarta.


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